
Jumaring (also called “jugging”) can feel like a nightmare until you learn the technique. Then it becomes an efficient tool, enabling big wall climbs, and speed ascents in the mountains.

Jumaring for the process of using such a device. Jumaring is where the second climber (the one who belays the lead climber on the route) uses ascenders to climb the rope instead of climbing directly on the rock. Enthrall in an exciting Jumaring adventure in Kausani, an adventure satiating experience that will refresh your mind as well as body.

Though it can be difficult to perfect the skill of fast jumaring, especially when carrying a pack, jugging is generally easier to learn than climbing, so it’s a good way to get friends to come along on party-style, summer big wall adventures. It’s also handy for BASE jumpers who want to reach the tops of towers conveniently. Climbing photographers are always competent, quick juggers.

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